Running the Berlin Marathon - Supporting adaptive sports
I am running the Berlin Marathon in support of Get Kids Going, an adaptive sports organization in the UK.

I am excited to announce that I will be running the Berlin Marathon in support of Get Kids Going, an adaptive sports organization in the UK.
Get Kids Going! is a remarkable charity that provides custom-built sports wheelchairs for disabled children and young adults across the UK, giving them an incredible opportunity to participate in sports. Get Kids Going! is not only about physical health, it's about fostering courage, independence, and resilience.
I feel that everyone should have the opportunity to experience sports and in supporting Getkidsgoing, we can make this happen together.

My goal is to raise 500£ and I can't do this alone. I need your support. Your generous donations will go directly to Get Kids Going! to help provide sports wheelchairs and encourage a new generation of athletes.
Please help support this terrific organization by clicking the link below

My goals
The most important goal in this effort is to reach and surpass my fundraising goal. This is a goal that we can reach together and share the in knowledge that we have done something to improve the lives of others.
Secondly, I am looking to reach a PR for this race, beating my time of 3:12 back in 2010. Can I run faster in my 50's than I could run in my thirties? YOU BET YOUR ASS I CAN! I will train hard and I will make this happen. My stretch goal for this race will be to get under 3 hours, which means a lot of dedication over the next few months and remaining injury free during my half ironman in a few weeks.

Please help me by supporting those that can really benefit from our support.