
Below you will find a few of the books that I have written recently. The first is the most recent, which was designed and illustrated by my wife and relates to the bike part of this site. The second book relates to personal change and self improvement, a guide that helps with achieving goals and supports a healthy lifestyle, allowing me to keep the focus on the main themes of this site, Biking, skiing and running!

Bikepacking Illustrated - Getting Started with Bikepacking


My wife and I discovered bikepacking in 2021 and it quickly became an obsession. Traveling by bike is personal in that you are close to your environment, have the ability to travel to remote areas, meet new people, and do so in a sustainable way. We started as passionate bike enthusiasts who had no idea how to begin. We spent our first spring in the sport diving in headfirst and followed that up with what many would consider the trip of a lifetime. Since that time, we have had many more amazing adventures on our bikes. These wonderful experiences spurred us on and inspired us to write a book detailing our knowledge in order to help others. This book will guide you on your journey into the bikepacking world. Starting from the basics, you will receive guidance in the essential aspects of bikepacking. We share our experiences and learnings which help to make the sport relatable. The book includes inspiring pictures as well as colorful illustrations by my wife, Rebecca Cary Anderson.  You will find this book to be a welcome companion as you join the sustainable sport of bikepacking.

Available on,,,,, and most Amazon regions.

Shifting Habits: It's only work


Oftentimes we find ourselves stuck in a rut, performing the same actions over and over again and not getting anywhere. I have found myself in this pattern several times in my life and along the way I have utilized many methods to make changes and correct the ship. After passing 50, I found these corrections to be more difficult and something had to be done. I refined my methods, learned from years of reading and trial and error and tested them to prove the results. I added these methods into a book that provides an opportunity for others to follow to achieve meaningful change in their lives.

Available on,,,, and most Amazon regions.