Sleep hacking - How to get great sleep
Sleep hacking, how to get great sleep - Tips that you can put to use from day 1

Sleep is such an important part of our general health, yet most people ignore this important factor in their lives and sell themselves short, causing compounding issues. For me, there was always something more to do, as I am a night owl and I never wanted the day to end. The problem with this was that I was not doing anything particularly productive at the end of the day, and I was ruining my chances to have high energy, highly focused mornings where the bulk of our best work is done. Something had to change.
How to get a great night's sleep
In this post, I will share with you the methods that I employ to get a proper night's sleep. Many of them may be familiar to you, but I will share how I make them work for me. You will of course need to decide how they can work for you and put your own methods in place.